Slimming World

It’s been a tough few weeks and stepping on the scales for slimming world made it a whole lot worse.

It has been featured in several articles that taking tablets affects weight gain and of course you have articles saying that it a load of crap. For me it’s not the tablets , well I don’t think it’s the medication , it’s the amount of food that I consume. As if I am having a bad day all I do is sleep and take my medication. That’s it. If the day starts well then I will get up and have my weetabix and maybe I will have some homemade pasta arrabbiata for lunch. Most of the time that is it. Good day I will have breakfast, lunch and a small dinner as that time of night is always the worst , picking up a fork to eat is normally too much for me.

My life isn’t normal , I can’t get up and go for a walk , most of my day is spent curled in the fetal position in a lot of pain. Parts of my insides don’t work the way they should either which does leave me in a lot of discomfort too. Of course you hear stories of people going to the bathroom before weigh in as an additional way of boosting the weight loss. Yes people do hit the gym or take up a new sport of even just go out for a walk , I can’t do any of those things.

I haven’t been like this my whole life, I was once very young and slim as I didn’t stop moving. Even when I moved in with my Hubby I would work full time and come home to make a home cooked meal , the house would be spotless. I spent hours walking the baby in her pram even a walk to the train station 2 miles away was nothing.

When I don’t eat for a few days I know that my body does go into panic mode as the only thing that is going in is medication and sugar free juice. When I do then eat my body stores it in case it doesn’t get anything else, it’s called starvation mode I believe. My body is constantly in this state so I need to find something that I can have at the side of my bed , so that I always have something going in even when I can’t make it down stairs.

I need to start establishing routines into my life, routines that I can still do on a really bad day so please internet give me suggestions, surely others out there are in this same situation. Is a small fridge a possibility as it would allow me to keep things cold ? Do you have something that you snack on that has a long shelf life ? Keep in mind that I can only get food delivered once a week so fruit goes off or the use by date isn’t great . Are you using a product or do you own a business that helps extend shelf life ? I need help so please leave all suggestions in the comment section below.

Love you all always, Alisha 🥰