This will kill me.

I have to hold my hands up and say that recently I have started putting my affairs in order so to speak. I have been thinking about death a lot lately and how this illness will kill me unless something changes.

It’s been a very tough few weeks which led to another 2 conditions , which led to another 2 types of medicine. The most alarming part is that it is showing me that my body isn’t working well internally.

Just read this
A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity can contribute to or be a risk factor for:

Taken from

It’s very scary and I don’t think that is something that you all understand. Maybe this will help you

I want every single person who reads this to understand just how severe living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is , I need you all to understand what it is doing to me and ME sufferers the whole world over.

We are Daughters, Mothers, Friends, Wives, Cousins , Aunts , Uncles, Sons and we need support. We need our friends and families to help us raise awareness , we need you to help by signing and sharing petitions or getting involved in fund raising activities. We need your support, your love and most of all your companionship because it isn’t easy.

This illness destroys lives and I don’t want any of our friends or family members to wish they had done more in our lives.

I’m 43 and I long for a cure to this illness so I can have my life back. However unless we raise awareness and get people talking about the severity of ME , we will just be left alone , scared, hopeless.

So today I beg you all to read this and get involved to make a difference . My story isn’t over as today I am starting a new chapter , filled with love and support from you 🥰.

Thankyou so much for reading now please like and share with everyone your know , Love and hugs , Alisha 😘