
This keeps me awake at night so I’m just going to say it . I feel like I have no support.

Dont get me wrong , I know I have support from my immediate family and a few friends . Yet why don’t I hear from anyone else?


If my friend had anything wrong even though I can’t drop everything and be there for them , I would send messages telling them that I am here for them. I have done this so many times even stretching to include an invite to come and stay here if they needed some space.

I only have to post something on Facebook asking for support and people I count as close to me don’t like the post or share it . Don’t get me wrong I understand that people are busy and they have their own lives , let’s be honest here I absolutely need that love and support right now.

I have been really bad this past year and I know that I am not the best company in the world but hearing that someone has popped down to visit another family member who lives very close to me is heart breaking . Not just to me , I had to sit my daughter down yesterday to tell her that she is adored by the family. I know that this illness has caused that , I know that is the reason that no one calls in or messages us.

It does make you think that I was only a part of everything because I made myself a part by driving to events or calling people to say hi.

It really is heartbreaking to see people you love viewing a message yet not responding.

Luckily I set up a few support groups as if I felt this way others must be feeling alone too. I have met some amazing people online as well as catching up with friends from school.

Loneliness is a huge part of this illness but it shouldn’t be , we need the love and support of our families and friends ,now more than ever . We need friends who understand exactly how we feel too, setting up Friends with ME was one of the best things I have ever done . I know that together we can achieve anything and Millions Missing proved that . Until 14th May I had never met another ME Sufferer in all of the time that I have had this illness and I wasn’t the only one .

Life with an illness that destroys lives shouldn’t be coped with on your own.

If you have a friend or family member that you haven’t spoken to in a long time because they have ME or any other Chronic illness please call them or send them a message . They have a lot to deal with right now , more than you will ever know.

Their whole life has been destroyed, they may have lost their job , have financial problems, they may have changed , they could be angry , they may feel hopeless or even suicidal . No matter what they need you in their life even if it is only a text message once a month to say Hi.

I know that some will be reading this thinking well why can’t they get in touch with me or All they do is moan or talk about being sick. I even offer things that may help and they just ignore me . All I can say to that is STOP . If you have someone who was special in your life then please just message them right now and say Hi .

Please x

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