Spoonie Squad are giving Liverpool a voice this 12th May.

Good Afternoon Spoonies x

Big news that needs all of your help and support.

You may of heard of the #Millionsmissing campaign started by ME Action https://www.meaction.net/

The campaign has been supported worldwide and people like us have set up and run protests to tell our stories , as well as showing people the severity of ME in a way they may not have known.

I will be honest Liverpool not having any sort of protest or presence in this worldwide campaign bothers me a lot. Every single day we fight for acceptance , we fight against pain , we fight against ignorance from friends u, family and the medical profession.

So this May 12th Liverpool will be standing side by side with ME Sufferers the world over.

I want to change people opinions in Liverpool , I want every single one of you to be able to speak to someone and when they ask what is wrong you will be able to say ME and they understand.
I want medical professionals in our home city to see how desperate we are and to assist them in pushing for medical advances and transparency.
I want our council leaders to see our Spoonie Squad and for them to finally understand that they can not just brush us aside .

Our lives should matter to every single person that we know .

Our nightmares have to end now and I need your help to make it happen.
I need your friends and family to get involved by standing with us.
Liverpool it is our year x

I can not do this alone .

So I ask each and every one of you , Are you with me ?