Sometimes life gets really hard!

Tina Turner said it best .

I don’t really want to fight no more . This is time for letting go …

While she sings of love and heartbreak the very words speak of letting go really do shout out at me .

If you have ME or Fibromyalgia or any of the other silent illnesses for which you fight every single day . You fight just to get out of bed every day , you fight against the system that fails us . We fight to prove we are ill. We fight to keep relationships together , to keep our family life on track . We fight to keep hold of any part which makes us who we are . We fight to keep friendships alive . We fight to stay awake . Fight to walk up and down stairs in our own homes . We fight against illnesses and repucussions of being so ill and unable to move .

I don’t want to fight no more.

I need to face my reality.

What do I have left ?

Do I have people in my life out of a sense of duty ?

Let’s be absolutely honest , I am absolutely awful company . Awful to be around .

I can’t entertain people. I can’t even hold a conversation. I am absolute terrified of being in social situations. Terrified of what people are saying about me .

It’s a the stage now that I think it’s just best that I don’t even bother with socialising, it’s pointless that I am there anyway .

I know people will read this and think I am being dramatic or feeling sorry for myself . I really am not . Just facing facts .

I can’t work . If I am really honest this illness is not going to get better for me . So my life now is my bed with my curtains closed .

Since my hands are so bad I can’t even use my walking stick or a wheelchair to get about . So I have absolutely no independence. I am not even 40 yet !

The only thing I do have is anger !

Anger that the medical profession don’t take this illness seriously. Surely I am still human , I have feelings . Surely I have rights .

Anger at our government for not understanding their constituents and not providing what we need to make a real difference in our lives .

Anger that I am left .

Anger that no one is there for me .

Anger of all the things I will never get to do .

I still have hopes & dreams .

I want more than anything to get on a plane with my little family and have a break that we need so badly .

I dream of holding another baby in my arms , to experience all the things I never got to experience the first time .

I dream that my husband and daughter live their lives properly. Not this thing we call our lives right now .

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