Raising Awareness

This year my main focus was to raise awareness of ME and to make a difference. I can proudly say that this ME Awareness week absolutely floored me. Yes it sounds silly but I am proud that I put so much into something that months later I am still a mess.

It’s been a tough few months at home and no doubt that has contributed too.

I am pleased to say that today our life will change for the better.

Let me explain a little more. As you may already know , I have Severe ME . My ME is so Severe that I am reliant on my Husband and Daughter to care for me. To give you an idea of how that worked up until lately . Our alarm would go off at 5:45am to allow my Hubby to wake up , grab a cuppa and jump in the shower. I have to state here that this routine took place every day even if I had been very ill through the night. As you would imagine that would allow my Hubby to get 3/4 hours sleep on some nights. Regardless he would still get up , get dressed and go to work.

Let me take a side step slightly and tell you a little about my Hubby. Graham has to be one of the most hard working and dedicated members of staff that any company could ever wish for. He is company man through and through. He has always worked in Retail and he loves it. For the past few years he has worked outside of Liverpool , which means a long inconvenient commute. See to get to his old place of work in Wigan he would leave the house at 7am ish (regardless of how I have been through the night) . He has to leave at that time as the next train wouldn’t get him there for his start time , so he would be an hour early. He isn’t a big eater of a Morning so he skips breakfast and because he is so wrapped up in his job most days he won’t stop to take a lunch. He will sometimes stop at about 15:30 but most days he waits till work is over , after all he has another hour to kill before he can get a train home.

So you get the idea , he is committed , hard working and very good at his job.

Let’s say I have had a bad night and he gets 3 hours sleep , he will then be on his feet for 12 hours before he is home to more than likely do the same thing again.

Something had to change.

Which brings me to some happy news. Today he starts work back in Liverpool. I can not wait. He starts work at Real Buzz in Liverpool One and I am so happy for him. It’s been tough and things needed to change, he couldn’t believe his luck when he read the advertisement, it was like it was wrote with him in mind.

So we have exciting times ahead and I am hoping now we will have a lot more family time to do some fun things.

The day he found out he had the job I mustered every last bit of energy to take him out to our favourite restaurant, The Greek Taverna in Maghull. We have been going to the restaurant for years and we order the exact same thing every time. We get the Hot Mini Meze then for Graham the Lamb Kleftiko and the Mixed Kebab for me. Every single time the bring those fat cut chips out we can’t wait to tuck in. Yum

I just hope that now I can get back to focusing on this illness and making a difference to people like me.

Being so ill and having so much going on absolutely knocked me for six . I’m getting back to being able to check emails and replying to messages slowly . Im getting there.

How have you all been ?

What’s been going on in your life?

I really do want to know . You can leave a comment here or message me alisha@alishawhittam.com .

If any of you have friends or family who are serious about fitness or are starting off and want the right kit then pop in and see him, tell him that I sent you. Real Buzz are passionate about getting you the right clothing and footwear x