Pet Head Oatmeal Shampoo 🐶


Oh yeah , I am going to review as many things as I possibly can.

Some will say that this is stupid , I feel that my best friend deserves to be pampered and ok I do take it to the extreme some times but his coat absolutely has to be looked after. I want him to be soft , shiny and smelling amazing , nothing wrong with that.

I discovered this shampoo while I was searching for my own shampoo, which is Tigi Oatmeal and Honey shampoo & conditioner. I love the stuff, it absolutely reminds me of days when I used to be able to go into Toni & Guy to have my hair cut, while sat in a massage chair sipping cappuccino.

So long ago now.

I digress , so I was searching for my own shampoo and came across this and thought it was a joke at first. When we got our first Labrador he suffered with dandruff so I bought an oatmeal shampoo for him which was great but it wasn’t fantastic.

Which brings us to pampered pooch number 2 , My Alfie Bear 🐻. This little ball of fluff is spoiled rotten , he has the best of everything ! His bed is from Joules , all of his toys are Kong, his leads are all Halti . Last Christmas while waiting in the queue in Next not long before Christmas Eve I glanced to the side and saw the most amazing Christmas pudding jumper and the pyjamas I wanted to get him because they also do an all in one for adults. This meant spending £75 just because I wanted him and Becks to have a matching outfit for Christmas night! Yes that spoilt !

Alfie loves the bath and thinks nothing of jumping in and out of the tub. If I am in the bath he will sit on the floor beside the bath occasional popping his face in to get some bubbles. He loved the bath from the very first time , have a look on my YouTube channel the video is up. He would run to one side and then the other which made the water go everywhere but if something is funny I don’t care about the consequences, life is too short not to laugh when something tickles you. That for me was the day I fell even more in love with him. Being able to get this tiny little bear faced puppy with big floppy ears wrapped up in a towel to just cuddle him has to be one of the best feelings in the world.

So the shampoo , first of all the smell is amazing. Once we wet his fur we only needed a ten pence piece sized squeeze for each half of his body. The lather is rich and moisturising, I have sensitive hands so anything like a new soap or shampoo can cause my hands to crack. Thankfully for me it didn’t. We used two washes to ensure his fur was squeaky clean and with this shampoo it cleans beautifully. I try to get involved as much as I can but now with a 35kg labrabdor there isn’t much that I can do.

Labradors have hair and almost like a fuzz underneath their coat. In the winter this thickens and helps to keep them warm. Labradors were originally bred as gun dogs, they would retrieve the game a hunter had shot down

They even have webbed toes to help them in the water as they would also help fishermen in Newfoundland ( way way back ) to retrieve nets and line as well as going under water to retrieve fish that had slipped their hook.

Getting back to washing this little scamp, once we were happy with his two washes it was time to rinse, now I know we are lucky that Alfie adores the shower because it just makes it so much easier. The shampoo rinses out effortlessly which Alfie understands as his queue to jump out of the bath and shake! EVERYWHERE. I always take this time to give his ears a good dry as I don’t want him getting ear problems. It is easy enough while he is wrapped in a towel on my knee. Then giving him a good rub with several towels to keep him warm while he is cold and wet and tying to keep as much water contained in the towel instead of on the wall.

Next we have Zoomies. Every single time without fail!

The smell of the shampoo really does last and the shine on his coat is beautiful, when the sun catches his face it’s almost like he has some type of highlighter on . Maybe I am biased because I adore him . I much prefer cuddling up to a clean Alfie than a smelly Alfie.

I absolute recommend this Shampoo to anyone with a dog, it’s not just the Oatmeal shampoo they do , they make a full range for every type of dog. I know this is probably over the top but we also bought him the Oatmeal paw butter , it’s great for the summer when the pads of their feet get a little too hot on the pavement . It’s very moisturising and you only need the smallest amount.

We have this Shampoo on Subscribe and save which gives us a discount.

Today it is £8.86 on the Amazon website but the prices do change depending on which seller has stock. We only paid £6.37 on the 1st June (including subscribe and save discount).

The Oatmeal paw butter is currently £3.99 ( add on have to spend over £20)

What do you use to wash your pampered pooch?