New New Yu Yu !

Could this be the answer to my problems?

Living with pain all day every day you become a little resourceful.

At home we have a first aid kit that would be sufficient for an office of 25. My bag has my tens machine , my hand splints, kinesiology tape , a thermometer. Add sleep masks , ear plugs , knee braces, ankle braces as well as some tubigrip. As a rule my hospital bag is always packed and ready to go.

My bag always has a hot water bottle or selection of hot water bottles. You never seem to be able to direct the heat to the right place with a standard hot water bottle. Yet having heat applied is proven to help pain.

Some of you are probably wondering what I am talking about.

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog if you are new. To the rest of you welcome back. The amount of support that I am getting at the moment is blowing my mind.

I am Alisha and I have Severe ME. My life is completely dependent on my Husband & Daughter to care for me. My life is my 4 walls and psychologically that’s hard to deal with.

ME was officially diagnosed in December 2012 and wow it was a shock to the system. Let me tell you a little more about ME , ME stands for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. I have taken the exert below from The Action for ME website Introduction

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) is a long-term (chronic), fluctuating, neurological condition that causes symptoms affecting many body systems, more commonly the nervous and immune systems. M.E. affects an estimated 250,000 people in the UK, and around 17 million people worldwide.
People with M.E. experience debilitating pain, fatigue and a range of other symptoms associated with post-exertional malaise, the body and brain’s inability to recover after expending even small amounts of energy.

You can find this information and more on their website

Depending on how Severe your ME is will dictate how hard it is to live with. Our days are full of pain and exhaustion. Our exhaustion can not be resolved by sleep. Life with ME is hard.

I have a wide selection of items to make my life less painful or easier to manage , one thing is the hot water bottle. Just imagine for a minute me looking through Instagram and there it was The YUYU. It’s was like fireworks went off in my head. I had to have it .

First impressions of the YUYU

YUYU have several reviews on the page taken from people with differing problems. It was impressive to see that they have thought about people with ME. They have comments from people with Endometriosis & Chronic pain sufferers. I suffer with Endometriosis and ME which isn’t the best combination. At times I would have to spend half of each month with a hot water bottle balancing on my tummy. Endometriosis pain was bad.


First impressions, from the off the website looked professional. It was the first time a website claimed to solve a problem for people like me. Not only do they offer different materials they offer different lengths. I decided to treat myself to a Luxury Fleece YUYU in a grey colour as it matches my bedroom. Let’s talk about size , the YUYU Dimensions are L81xW13cm.

It really does feel like I have treated myself. Having sensitivities means that I have to be careful. Anything that I am to wear or touch will need to be washed first. In the past I have risked it and paid the price. My skin would react and I would end up scratching . Thankfully I have had no problems with this.

With a normal hot water bottle you can not always get it to the spots you want it to reach. I would have no problem walking around with a hot water bottle inside the waistband of my clothes. It helps to ease the pain. Heat can help tooth and wisdom teeth pain, yet try balancing a normal hot water bottle there.

YUYU have thought all about the problems and have came up with a solution “YuYu’s super soft Luxury Fleece range comes with a long strap, enabling you to tie your YuYu Bottle around your shoulders or abdomen and pin point those painful spots. The heat is so strong that you’ll feel immediate relief! .”

YUYU allows you to put it in the position that you want using the long strap . You are able to tie it in place and carry on with your day.

I find that it can help ease my Anxiety. Position the YUYU over your body like you are being cuddled . The weight and the heat helped me straight away and I was able to get some rest.

In comparison to a normal hot water bottle they are not cheap. Yet I have never purchased a hot water bottle that was covered in anything as soft as this. I paid £33 for mine plus an additional £4.95 for delivery.

Please read – I paid for the YUYU with my own money. I am doing this review as I think that the YUYU could really help other ME or Chronic Pain Sufferers. I have YUYU under my right leg right now. It is making a difference to the pains in my muscles that have really bothered me over the past few days,

Dependent on your budget YUYU offer several different materials from Fleece to Cashmere. YUYU ship across the world with differing costs depending on the location. YUYU have a list of stockists on their website if you would prefer to buy Instore as opposed to online. They offer a gift wrapping service. Something else that really impressed me was that they have accessories available. You can buy anything from a replacement stopper to different covers.

For more information about YUYU and how to purchase a YUYU then please visit

Love always ,

Alisha x x