Welcome to My Blog – My Name is Alisha and I am an Advocate | Blogger | and Influencer, I bring a unique perspective to the creator community as I navigate life predominantly from my bed due to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Endometriosis, Steatohepatitis, and De Quervains Syndrome affecting both hands.

My interactions with the outside world are limited to essential appointments, often necessitating ambulance trips to the hospital during severe bouts of pain.

I strongly believe in the power of my voice, representing the millions worldwide facing similar challenges. Those enduring the complexities of illnesses like Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, women grappling with Endometriosis, and individuals relying on wheelchairs and aids for daily living.

I aim to stand out by fostering genuine connections and collaborations.

Travelling with a Wheelchair

Travelling is one of life’s greatest joys, but for those of us who rely on wheelchairs, it can present unique challenges, particularly when venturing abroad. As a wheelchair user, I understand the anxiety that comes with entrusting your mobility device to an airline, knowing that if something goes wrong, your entire trip could be jeopardised. This blog post aims to offer practical advice and reassurance to fellow wheelchair users who dream of exploring the world, with tips on how to prepare for your journey, protect your wheelchair, and deal with any unfortunate incidents that may arise.


YouTube Channel launch to highlight Severe ME

I have Severe ME and I am launching my own YouTube channel to show people just what it is like to live with a Chronic Illness. I am so nervous about this but as I always say “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” It is all set up .
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Hospital again ….

I have been very quiet recently and there is a reason , honestly I think this illness is getting worse a lot worse. Over the last few months the exhaustion has just been so much more it is really scary . I have been having paralysis of arms or legs
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Help me make a difference.

Open letter to companies and brands . If you work somewhere or are related to someone who could help me then please forward this email to them . I need this to be shared and for ME to get the attention it deserves for all the right reasons . We
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Alfie’s first bath 🐶

Good evening everyone x  This little scamp is a huge part of our family and he makes us laugh every single day . If he can make us laugh with all the crap that goes on here everyday then he must be hilarious to other people . Even if he
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Alfie at 8/9 weeks old 🐶

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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Get in touch    If you want to email me directly it’s alisha@alishawhittam.com Sales enquiries  sales@alishawhittam.com Marketing enquiries   marketing@alishawhittam.com Press enquiries  press@alishawhittam.com If you are young carer and need someone to talk to who understands then you can message my young carer . Rebecca is my rock , she
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

I challenge you …..

Welcome to every single one of you and I thank you all so much for the positivity that you have left me in the last day x  I can’t put into words how much it upsets me and drives me on . It upsets me because I wish that no
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Together we are stronger.

  I have a big mouth, I have always be able to speak my mind & voice my opinions. Since I was diagnosed with ME that has stopped in a lot of ways but I’m going to start shouting a lot !!! I’m going to be shouting about making a
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Sound a little crazy , bear with me .

I am passionate about making a difference in our community. I am using every single ounce of what I have to make a difference, it’s 2017 . We should not have a whole section of society left to get on with it as best they can.  We should have people
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis


Like & share using #spooniesquad I definately think it could become our community identity. Im thinking cups, pens, tshirts, bags , hoodies . Let me know what you think x     
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Charity work is so important to me.

Why this is so important to me . The first time I really got involved with raising money for charity I was 10 or 11 maybe . We were doing a sponsored swim to raise money for Alder hey hospital , we were raising the money in the name of
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Things that have made a difference in my life.

Help ME Today I thought I would introduce to people who are unaware of the help I need just to get through a day, hopefully this will also help other sufferers by introducing you to the items that are available to make things easier for us . Occupational Health This
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

I hate bullying .

You got a friend in me . I know cousins are your first lot of best friends . My first real best friend I met when we moved away from Liverpool. We were inseparable , I remember moving back to Liverpool and feeling like my arm had been cut off,
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Olly at Echo Arena Liverpool – May 2015

Olly Murs at the Echo arena Liverpool Travel We travelled into town by car , we didn’t really hit traffic until we hit the strand. It was just a little slow moving as people turned into the Albert Dock and the car park at Liverpool One. Parking We parked at
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Be careful what you say.

So low …. I tried to do something good this week . In trying to do good in the community I live in , I have never felt more of an outsider . As you know from my previous posts I try and get involved in as much fundraising as
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Socially Anxious

From Jan 2016 Social Anxiety I fear criticism for writing this post , here goes anyway ….. Last night I attended a Fancy dress party for my Brother in Law , so a place filed with friends & family . All week I was not going to attend but I
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Sometimes life gets really hard!

Tina Turner said it best . I don’t really want to fight no more . This is time for letting go … While she sings of love and heartbreak the very words speak of letting go really do shout out at me . If you have ME or Fibromyalgia or
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Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Living or existing ?

Life or existing ? I lay in bed all day in absolute agony taking enough tablets to knock most people off their feet for a week … I take at : 7am 1 X Zomorph 30mg 1 X Zomorph 10 mg 1 X Fluoxetine 20mg 2 X Gabapentin 300mg 1
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White Background with black text The ME Community

Friends with ME is a support network of people with ME or “Friends with ME” It is a group where we can talk openly to people who understand how we feel. It’s also for carers and family members of people with ME who also need support. This group will very shortly be running support groups in Liverpool, I am aiming to have regular group meetings up and running in 2024. Most importantly between us, we can do anything.

Talk with ME is a page to share information about ME Talk with ME is here to support Our Family, Friends and Carers as we understand that this illness directly affects the people closest to us. Talk with ME is a safe place, we do not allow bullying or spam comments. Any member can send a message directly to me if they are uncomfortable and I will personally investigate before taking action.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Carer Community is here to allow people who care for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sufferers to talk privately. It is no secret that life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is extremely difficult yet the people who care for ME sufferers are often forgotten about. Alisha wanted this page to be a place where the carers and families could talk privately, a place where we could ask each other for help and support or advice. This group is managed by Alishas Daughter who also works full time so if you do have any questions and you need help please message us and we will come back to you as soon as we are able to.