Happy Birthday

It’s my Happy Birthday on 31st May 🎉🥳
So I’m going to be incredibly cheeky 😉
I don’t want any cards or gifts.
Instead I want you to take the money that you would have spent on cards, postage, flowers, gifts, trips to Rome 🤣🤣
I want you to donate that money to An Hour For Others , they are a charity based here in Liverpool.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting Kevin and Gill then you are missing out.
What they do inspires me to be a better person , they make a difference to people who really need help and they do this in Liverpool

ME is awful and its not just hard on me.
My Husband still has to go to work even if he has been at the hospital with me till early hours of the morning or if I have spent the night in tears because the pain is too bad.
Our Daughter was in school when I was diagnosed and the less I was able to do , the more she did. She knew how to manage a home when she was 13 , she helps me dress, wash , she gets me clothes ready , she even makes dinner.
She was even doing this when she was doing her GCSEs.

Knowing my story Kevin messaged one day to tell me that he had tickets for them to go the match together , he wanted them to have a break because he knows how important the family unit is to someone who is ill. He knew how much they needed just that one night away to have fun.

Right now they are doing everything they can to get food and anything else that people in our communities need.
Go and look at their FB and look for yourselves https://www.facebook.com/anhourforothers/

Please give anything you can because making a difference to people who really need it , well that would be the best gift you could ever give me 💝


Please 😘