Millions of people around the world don’t get an end to lockdown

Me and my Hubby

Millions of people around the world don’t get an end to lockdown.

Please just for a moment before your life goes back to some normality , just imagine the last years lockdown going into another year and then another.
Imagine never getting your normality back.

Let’s take it a step further , you are not only in lockdown but you can no longer take care of yourself and you now need your partner to be the one who helps you dress or go to the bathroom.
Every dream you had set for your life will now never happen , all of the independence you had is now gone , your friendships drift away as your friends carry on with their lives.

Each day for you is full of pain as every muscle , joint and bone hurts. No matter what pain relief you take the pain is all consuming.

Every single thing you do is a struggle.

Your partner starts looking at you differently, your children now care for you.

You can’t make plans as your illness dictates your life now.

Unfortunately this is my life and my lockdown started in 2012 , my lockdown will never end.
I rely on my Husband & 21 year old daughter to do everything for me.

My bedroom is now my prison. The peace and quiet I need to allow my body to rest doesn’t exist anymore.

My self confidence has gone and been replaced with anxiety.

My independence now means my Husband or Daughter pushing me in a wheelchair to places they want to go.
I can’t nip out to clear my head after a bad day . I can’t go for a walk to calm down after heated words have been exchanged.

I need you to share this with as many friends as possible as this is real life , this is my life.

Me with my baby girl