Millions Missing St George’s Hall , Liverpool

We are the Millions Missing and we need your help.

This ME Awareness week we will be holding our action on Saturday 12th May on Church St Liverpool.

On top of our action we will be holding an additional action, this action will take place on the steps of St George’s Hall.

What we are looking to do is have as many pairs of shoes as possible laid out on the steps along with large banners and you as many of you as possible. This action will be for photographs and YouTube Live, Facebook live as well as any press coverage that we can possible get.

So I ask you all,  if you want to have your shoes be part of our action that you message me , I will send you my address and you can send your shoes. If you want to be part of the action yet you can’t get to a post office to send me shoes then you can send me a message which I will write on a luggage tag and attach to a pair of shoes that I have at home.

This is so important , this is the first year of Millions Missing in Liverpool and I want it to be talked about. I want to show every medical professional that we are not going to stand for mediocre anymore. We should all have the same treatment and care package. We should have a service which strives to be better for all Sufferers in our area. 

Millions Missing strives for better research. 

We are the Millions Missing Liverpool and we won’t stand for this anymore.