Meet Alfie

I want to share more about me and my life, so what better way to start that than by introducing you all to Alfie, world meet Alfie.

King of the hay bale

Alfie was born in July 2016, he is a Black Drakeshead Labrador and I think he is practically perfect in every single way. I searched the whole of Liverpool and surrounding areas all the way The Pennines to find him. He really was worth all of that effort.

It I had done a lot of research into Labradors and how they are helping people like me live a more independent life, luckily I found one who makes me laugh hysterically too. Drakeshead Labradors are highly respected, not just for their ability as working dogs but also as champions in Field Trials.

To say that this little ball of fluff is perfect is an understatement, I remember when we first got him and I was ill. I didn’t know it at the time but my health was getting worse every day.

The day we picked him up he just took to Becks immediately and by the time we were going down the driveway to get to the main road she had already trained him to give her kisses. The love between Alfie and Becks is so special , he adores her and you can really see it.  The minute he walked into our house we knew it was his house, he just had no timidness he just settled right in. We had already got him a bed and toys, we bought him a Kong Toy its the shape of a bear. This thing was bigger than him but he loved it and took it everywhere that he went.

Alfie with his favourite bear
        Alfie with his favourite bear

It’s a great toy well thought out, while it does have stuffing it doesn’t have a lot but it does have ropes going the length of the toy which is perfect for a Labrador. We called him Grey and the name has always stuck and while we are on grey number 3 or 4 he is still his best toy friend.

You cant go wrong with Kong toys if you dog is a nibbler!

The first few nights were a little tough, being away from such a large litter must have been hard for him and I tried as much as I could while fighting the urge to pick him up and cuddle him.

He understood that I was different and while he could lick the face of Graham he knew somehow that he couldnt do that sort of thing with me.

He does have other toys
         He does have other toys

My Best Friend

I suppose talking to a dog the way i talk to Alfie is a little crazy but he understands me. He is scary intelligent and I can teach him something really fast, he even knows his left paw from his right paw.

He learnt kisses within minutes and the basics sit, lay down, and paw within the first week. We can give him a brain game without telling him what to do and most times he picks it up within the first few tries, I have even been able to teach him his left paw from his right paw.

Bedridden with a Labrador

Being bedridden meant Alfie had a very different life from most other dogs so to keep him out of my bedroom was just impractical. Yes, it is a tight squeeze having Hubby and Alfie in our bed but he also has a bed just outside our bedroom door should he want his own space. It is comical that the moment my Hubby gets out of bed Alfie is on his side of the bed cuddled into me.

I appreciate that this isn’t an ideal scenario for all and if Alfie was demanding or was go show any type of aggression he wouldn’t have access at all to our bed. Thankfully Alfie is an angel and I truly believe that he was a gift from God.

Hungry Alfie

Alfie knows how ill I am and will check in on me several times a day, even if it means he has to take a break from sunbathing in the front room, he never lets me go down the stairs alone as he is behind me or at the top watching me come up. If I am having a good day and manage to take a few steps outside he will not pull on his lead which is very different to walks with his Grandad.

I could talk about Alfie and how he has made my life better all day long. I just wanted to leave you with this if you too have an unconventional lifestyle yet you long for a dog please don’t make that decision lightly. Having a dog at home is a huge commitment and things like training them or feeding them should take into account the best you can afford, financially as well as time from you, if you have to make reasons that are less than 100% then don’t do it. Animals deserve your absolute attention and unwavering love, you should never give them anything less than everything. I understand just how fortunate I am to have found Alfie.

I hope that this post has helped you in some way,

Sending love always,

Alisha 🥰🥰🥰

PS Dont forget to add to my GoFundMe page if you are able to Please help me start living my life independently starting with a car that will fit my wheelchair in  🙏