ME Pyjama Party Outfit of the day 😉

This ME Pyjama Party I am going to change things up a little. I want to highlight ME Awareness but on top of that I want to raise awareness of the amazing ME charities thst we have just waiting to help us.

The past few weeks I have been contacting as many ME Charities and support groups as I could find and I asked them to send me a TShirt of Hoodie that I could wear over ME Awareness week. I have to be absolutely honest , I have been thrilled with the response.

So this ME Awareness week I will be having a little fun. I have gone out and bought a few new outfits and pyjamas that I can wear .

My wardrobe is full of clothes that I can wear on a good or a bad M.E. day , all my waistbands are elastic and for my bad days of course I don’t move out of my pyjamas.

ME Pyjama Party Outfit of the day will be a little bit of a laugh , my social media feeds are filled with celebrity and influencers outfits of the day. So all the outfits I have bought will be worn in the same way. I will take a few photographs maybe even a video of my outfit of the day , if I am feeling brave . I will then put a ME charity TShirt over the outfit and take a few more pictures. I will then upload it to my social media and hopefully with the help of the ME community they will be shared everywhere.

Sometimes while we arefighting hard to make a difference to ME Sufferers we forget that we have charities who want change as much as we do.

If you want to find out more about ME Pyjama Party you can join our Facebook page

We want as many of you to join in as possible.

Each outfit of the day I will also put a link with my whole outfit just in case you like anything and of course I will link the charity of the day.

I wouldn’t be able to do all these events and posts if it wasn’t for the love and support I get back , so please share and join in we want these events to get bigger and better every single year.

I can’t wait to see your ME Pyjama Party pictures and your outfits of the day.

ME does not define us, that’s up to us .