ME PJ Party & Whats it all about ?

Friday 12th May 2017 is launch day for ME PJ Party .

ME PJ Party is dedicated to raising money & awareness of ME .

ME PJ Party doesn’t care how Severe your ME is , it doesn’t matter if you are having a good day or a bad day. You could go shopping in your PJs or to work ( if your manager allows it of course , if they do say no direct them to this page! ) .

All you need to do is take or have a picture taken in your PJs and then post it to social media using #MEPJParty .
ME PJ Party has got me so excited 😆

Get all your friends and family to like the ME PJ Party page so I can keep everyone in the loop x
All you need to do is :

On May 12th spend the day in your PJs , take a picture or have someone take your picture and post it to social media using #MEPJParty
Aim :

Raise money & awareness of ME by doing something that every single ME Sufferer in the world can be included in .

If you are still working ask managers permission first 🤔

It doesn’t matter if you are in bed and having a bad day or out for a bit of fresh air , you can take your ME PJ Party picture anywhere .

Let’s show the world the real face of ME not just a statistic.

Imagine going on twitter and seeing #MEPJParty trending with pictures of all our brave ME Warriors showing the world just what ME is .

We have FB , Twitter and Instagram pages already set up and raring to go .


You do not have to fundraise as I completely understand that not all ME Sufferers are up to it .

I am fundraising and my charity of choice is The ME Association.

I chose them because of everything they have done for me personally. I wouldn’t have got through the early days without them .

Here is a link to my JustGiving page


The Future :

I want this to be the start of something.

Something people want to get involved in .

I would love your input and suggestions.

If anyone wants to get involved then please get in touch x

2017 is just the start and already I am planning 2018 .

I have Severe ME so I am doing as much as I can without pushing myself to hard .

In the near future I am hoping to be looking at merchandise TShirts , Flyers , cupcake toppers maybe even ME PJ Party Pyjamas .
To conclude .

It doesn’t matter how ill you are on the day or where or what you are doing . All this needs to be a success is your #MEPJParty picture uploaded to social media .

Let’s create a real buzz about what ME really is and not what people assume it to be .

Most importantly ME PJ Party is something that every single ME Sufferer across the world can be involved in .
Please help by sharing the page and most importantly getting involved.
Let’s make 2017 they year that we show the world the real face of ME x
All my love x x

Alisha x x