I had to have my Engagement and Wedding rings cut off by the fire service

My hand looking very swollen this picture was taken before the fire service cut my rings off

Today was one of those incredibly difficult days. I had to get my rings cut off.

I had been feeling incredibly swollen for the last 2 days but I thought if I just drank a lot more water than normal it would help flush out my whole system.

It was the pain that was starting to bother me, anytime I washed my hands it was sore and I was a little concerned that there was something I couldn’t see like an ulcer maybe. I did try all of the tricks you find on the internet but none of them worked so with a heavy heart I searched for the number for Kirkby Fire Service and I called their number. I explained everything over the phone and the man who answered was very helpful, he assured me they could help but as i am housebound it needs to be logged as an emergency call.

I must add that if you are in the same situation as me call your local fire service non-emergency number first as your local fire service may do things differently to mine. I think it is very important that every situation no matter how similar is best decided by the professionals, so call them and ask.

So I made the call to 999 and explained the situation to them, they then put the call to my local fire station and got them to call me (I know) They asked if it would be ok if they left the station now which was fine by me.

3 fire officers came to my house and they were so lovely. They talked me through everything and constantly asked if I was ok. If you are in this situation and are worried about any pain I did not feel any at all, yes you can feel the device looping under your ring it didn’t hurt me, so if you are worried please don’t be. You will be fine. While I put on a very brave face while they were there I had more than a little cry when they left. 

These aren’t just any rings—they hold so much sentimental value. My engagement ring for obvious reasons but my wedding ring was my Nan’s wedding ring, a cherished gift she gave us on the day we got engaged. 

I had never took my rings off since the day of our wedding so having them cut off left me in tears 😭 

Sometimes, life hands us situations that feel impossible to bear, but it’s okay to grieve and share our emotions. 

Today has been incredibly tough and i want to thank you for being here with me through this journey. 💔

If you ever need a friend please reach out Contact me

Seeing our community grow makes me so happy and I can’t wait to hear from you all so please say 👋 in the comments 🫶

PS – I called the normal number for my local fire service and explained the situation to them. As I am housebound they told me the call needs to be logged as an emergency and I had to call 999. 

❗️If you have a non-emergency situation please don’t call out an emergency service unless it is necessary ❗️

Sending love to you all always and below is the video 😘

Alisha x x 

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