I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday that I want to share with you, some of the subject matter is a little bit too much information but unless we are talking about things like this some women will find a time like this incredibly frightening. So please share this post with all of your female friends as chances are some of them are suffering like this too.

If you don’t know me then Hi, welcome my name is Alisha and I share my life online in the hope of raising awareness. I have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Endometriosis and De Quervains Syndrome in both hands.

After seeing one of the physio team at my Drs yesterday he suspects that things have gotten a lot worse. He is leaning towards carpal tunnel as well as nerve damage as my strength tests were very poor. So now I need more tests as well as an appointment with the Royal, couldn’t have just been at Aintree which is 10 minutes away 😭😭

It’s so scary knowing that things are getting worse but when you hear it from a Dr it always sounds so much worse. So far in the next month, I have 3 Dr appointments, as well as a dental appointment to have a tooth out and to discuss if I am going to need work on my bottom jaw 🦷


Endometriosis is just far too much information for most so if you are not comfortable please click off now!

I was fitted with a coil several years ago but several years ago my body rejected it , which really wasn’t fun !

Over the past few years I have tried to allow my body to get back to a natural state. That meant no coil but also putting up with all severe cramping and lots of blood that endo brings with it.

It also meant not taking the pain medication that I was prescribed for Endometriosis as it can reduce the loss of blood. My reasoning is that my body had to lose everything that a period brings, if I take medication then I am preventing that happening. So where does it all go as it has to go somewhere !!!

Unfortunately over the past few days my bleed has been accompanied by vomiting and nausea. The amount of blood I am losing right now is extremely scary and very worrying . It is so bad that any time I stand up I can feel it . Not a nice feeling. So after this bleed I couldn’t take another like it so against everything I wanted for by body I have requested to go on the pill.

I’m hoping that the pill will regulate things and stop things like the ten day bleeds, severe cramping and the alarming loss of blood.

I am so sorry for some of the words included in this piece if you think this only happens to me then you really need to wake up as chances are this could be happening to one of the other women in your life.

No woman wants to talk about this as it is so embarrassing and not the most appropriate thing to talk about over coffee or while you catch up with friends.

If you suffer from Endometriosis and you want a friend to talk to then please message me on one of my social media accounts or email me at alisha@alishawhittam.com

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