I challenge you …..

Welcome to every single one of you and I thank you all so much for the positivity that you have left me in the last day x 

I can’t put into words how much it upsets me and drives me on . It upsets me because I wish that no one had to suffer with this awful illness but it makes me even more determined to make a difference.

In Liverpool I will be setting up a meeting where local ME sufferers and their families can come to meet up , make new friendships, talk openly about their circumstances and where we can discuss tips , hacks and anything else that will help us . 

So I challenge you to look to do it too. 

There is nothing stopping you from picking a quiet coffee shop or pub , community hall and promoting it on here .

Have a serious think about it , maybe discuss it with a fellow ME sufferer. Winter isn’t too far away for us and I know that SAD , feeling cut off and a million other things can exasperate our mood when the weather is bad and it hurts a little bit more . Just imagine if we could start a #spooniesquad in every single major town and city across the world.  Imagine feeling that you have 20 new friends who understand exactly how you feel . Imagine a phone tree where we could give a call if someone couldn’t make a meeting just to check they are ok and if they need anything.

We are being let down by our governments , health services , politicians and our own families , so its time we do something about it .

This website allows anyone with ME or carers for someone with ME to post meetings , give advice , share tips .

We can do this #spooniesquad .