Help change my life.

Please take the time to read this , It won’t take you long and you could help change my life and the lives of ME Sufferers all over the world.

I need your help .

My story isn’t a nice happy ending story so I apologise for that , it isn’t pleasant or pretty . I have Severe ME . Myalgic Encephalomyelitis has destroyed my life and that of my Husband & Daughter .

I used to go out , have fun . I worked damn hard to earn my wage and some of my employers have been amazing , some assholes ! Sorry not sorry .

Until 2005 when I first started getting sick , it wasn’t ME at first but if you look back at my illnesses and the reoccurrence of certain ones then 2005 maybe even 2004 .

My illness would be perfect if I wanted to stay at Home in bed all day being unable to do anything for myself .

I have good days where I seem normal but those days have what ME Sufferers call , PAYBACK.

Take my daughters 18th Birthday party , she didn’t want anything firstly because of how it would affect me .

How the hell do you live with a reply like that . There was no way on this earth that I was not going to celebrate my daughters 18th Birthday because of this illness !

So we invited family up . I had a dear friend prepare hot food for me as I can’t cook anything , everything else we bought came out of a packet .

Random fact about me is that I have been ordering take out from the same restaurant for 18 years. I can’t fault them the food has always been amazing and they have always looked after me . So if you are in Liverpool give The Arong a try   They even catered for my 40th Birthday last year and on top of all the food he prepared for that party , he also put together my regular order so I could have my favourite. Just amazing , I can’t recommend them enough. Sorry I digest …..

We ordered the buffet food from Sainsbury’s, things like sausage rolls , pork pies , cooked meats which I like to arrange on a large wooden chopping board with olives, crisps, egg pieces , chips & dips , hummus and carrots and 2 cakes of course . She is my Princess after all , we got her a normal chocolate 3 tiered cake and a chocolate fudge cake which is her favourite.

Once all the guests had arrived and I had shown my face . Ooh I must say that with help I had managed to dye my hair the day before as I knew I wouldn’t be able to wash hair , do make up and get dressed so sacrifices were made . The day itself all I managed to do was get dressed , my hair was put up in a clip but I had made it out of my PJs so big development in my life . So I’ve greeted the guests , checked everyone has a drink and I started getting a little overwhelmed. Easy excuse for me to use was the dog , we had left our Black Labrador, Alfie crated in our computer room . So I sat with him .

Half way through the night I took out plates and cutlery so they could eat . My family don’t drink like normal people so things were getting loud . The kids had Our TV room so they could have a little privacy and they could play XBOX. It kind of turned into a Karaoke/dance off room, I know I should have recorded it all ha ha , next time .

By 9:45 I was done so I just sat with my furbaby , he sits with me all day every day so it was only right . He wasn’t handling being in his crate too well and is very protective of me so he wanted to see what all the noise was . I suppose that gives you a real insight into how often we have visitors 😢

11:30 The singing had started and I was done. So I took Alfie outside for toilet time and then we went to Our bedroom , that sounds wrong . Our bedroom is for me and my Hubby , granted Alfie always seems to find his way into it but it is still Our Bed .

They finally left at 2:30 am ish and after locking up we spent a little time with the Birthday girl on Our bed as a family , we went thought birthday cards and looked at how spoilt she had been . Trust me she was spoilt !!!

Her 18th Birthday was 9th March and I haven’t been able to do anything since . On the 10th March I woke up vomiting, before you say food poisoning or ate something wrong , anything that I eat is always shared with someone else as I can’t finish a meal . The only things I have to myself is cereal but that is always with milk that someone else will use and I have to be the one to open it !

Today is Sunday 18th March and the first day I have been able to sit up . We had to call the Dr out due to the medication I take for pain was not staying down . My Dr prescribed Prochlorperazine. I will be honest I should have called an ambulance several times this week as the pain has been unbearable and nothing stays in , not even fluids .

The start of the week I don’t remember. I spent the first few days completely out of it , completely out of it. My Hubby was off Tue , Wed and I don’t remember that at all .

This is why I need help. This is why I need to share my story . People like me shouldn’t have to live like this . It isn’t a life , it’s an existence .

The big problem with this illness is that people see me and hear what I allow them to . My families are probably all sat at home thinking ME yeah My arse !!! That’s just if it’s not what you see , it’s what you don’t see .

My Husband and Daughter are the only people in the world who know what this illness has done to me . My Husband & Daughter are the only ones who have seen the result of me getting dressed and spending no more than an hour of time with our family .

I need to share my story , I have to show what life is like for people like me and that is why I ask every single person who has the ability to share a few pence or a few pound to get in touch. I am prepared to show my life and this illness to the world but to do that I need equipment.

Help me please ❤

My Paypal –

This isn’t any type of scam just someone who wants to make a difference.

Should anyone have any old equipment cameras , lights , computers that would help me then I can give it a home , preferably Apple as I find the software easier to work with .

Should I receive several offers from my amazing Spoonie Squad then I will with your permission find homes with local charities for instance An Hour for Others here in Liverpool

I will be filming my first video very soon regardless , the world will have to accept bad lighting , shaky hands and IMovie to edit .

I would love to be able to put out something I will be proud of and I would love to show the world the beauty of Liverpool and it’s surroundings .

Please help me x

With thanks
Alisha Whittam


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