
I’m scared stupid of Coronavirus, it is tearing my life apart. See for me and millions of other people around the world, we don’t have strong immune systems, we already live lives of pain, discomfort, misery and upset.

I live in Liverpool in the United Kingdom which is currently in total lockdown. For me, that means that our government is focusing its attention and values on the lives of its people. It also shows me that our government feel the lives of my Husband and Daughter are not as important as the lives of others.

Sick or elderly people like me rely on others. I rely on my Husband and Daughter to care for me, I can’t do anything without them. While my daughter is away at University in Cumbria she does come home every other weekend to ease the pressure on my Husband. My Husband works in retail to get to work he relies on public transport, while the company he works for have been excellent throughout lockdown they need to provide some sort of service to people so close to Christmas, I understand that.

How am I to comprehend that our government can say that for the good of the country we are on a total lockdown, yet if you work in x y and z industry you still need to get up every day and get to work, many like my Husband on public transport. On public transport, we have no control of who sat in the seat before you or if it has been cleaned before you get on.

Do the lives of my Husband and Daughter lives mean less?

We were told that the best place for our children was at school. The same schools that any bug or sickness spreads quickly to the other children they come into contact with. We know that schools, colleges and universities can transfer learning to online classes. Yet our children, the future of our country have to instead travel to school away from the safety of their own homes to go to a class that can be taught online. How is that best?

Our children are already stressed by outdated teaching styles and pressure from constant testing, do we not think that making children travel to schools to sit in a classroom setting won’t cause anxiety. What about the children who are away from home at university, do we think that keeping them away from their homes at a time like this is doing anything for their mental health?

Each day that I see my Daughter on a face time call that it is killing her to be away from home right now. It is causing huge amounts of stress and anxiety at a time when they should be focused on study, we only need to look at the pulling down of so-called safety fences at a Manchester University last night to see that this is causing huge amounts of stress and frustration this is causing them. The university did say that the fences were there to protect the students from the outside world, yet when is a fence being put up without knowledge of the students not going to be seen as anything other than a way of keeping the students in. Surely extending classes by an hour a day or extra assignments when this is all over would be an answer.

If we lock down the country it should be to protect everyone equally. I know that I would sooner have my Husband and Daughter in the safety of our home. What happens to people like me if my husband or daughter caught this. How am I supposed to live with myself if my daughter tells me that she has this? Am I supposed to just watch from a distance if my baby girl gets sick with an illness that we still have no cure for?

Total lockdown of our country should mean just that, we all should have our families together in the safe environment of our own homes. Every single person should be giving covid the respect it deserves and following the rules to the letter especially as the lives of others depend on it. Each time you leave a mask at home or gather with friends for a party you put the lives of families like mine at risk. My family is as important as every other family in our country and I want them here with me safe.