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If you want to email me directly it’s
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If you are young carer and need someone to talk to who understands then you can message my young carer . Rebecca is my rock , she is the most beautiful, caring, loving , patient daughter I could ever have wished for . She know just what this means to me and she knows that her experience caring for me could make a real difference to someone who feels alone and unsure.
Contact Rebecca
My Hubby is also here to help in any way he can. He has seen me at my absolute worst , he has sat up all night when I have been in pain , he has helped me walk , dress , wash and a thousand other things that I never ever wanted my husband to do for me. He cares for me and then gets up the next morning and goes to work , he gets home and the whole thing starts again . So if you are feeling a little lost and want to talk to someone then get in touch . I keep on saying it but Together we are stronger x
Contact Graham
You can also post a message or tweet me x