Category: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

Black Lives Matter

This may sound naive but surely Black Lives Matter applies to Black people the world over.

I hate borders and how the location in which you were born dictates most lives.

Happy Birthday

An Hour for Others is a local charity here in Liverpool. For my Birthday I want people to donate to them instead of buy me cards or gifts.

Dalgona Coffee

Have you tried the coffee that is all over social media

Amazon Buys #3

The latest in my Tik Tok series of Amazon buys.


I always said that I would write down how I feel

Amazon buys #2

Amazon buys #2 is the second review post reviewing items that could help people with ME.

ME Pyjama Party

It’s not long now till our ME Pyjama Party and all

Amazon buys #1

Reviewing Amazon products from the point of view of someone with a disability, welcome to my new series Amazon Buys #1.

Not so Ordinary

I have to confess that I am addicted to Tik Tok

ABOUT Alisha
Alisha a woman with long dark hair sits on her bed with her hair falling to one side. Alisha wears a white top
Alisha Whittam

As a passionate advocate for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) a complex and debilitating condition, I am deeply committed to raising awareness about the complexities and overwhelming impact of this condition. 

White background with black text which reads Alisha Whittam

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