
Hi, I’m Alisha Whittam, and I live with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, a chronic illness that has profoundly shaped my journey. Here, I want to share a little more about who I am beyond the challenges I face every day.

Family Christmas

Family Christmas surrounded withe my family only to have the worst Christmas gift ever, COVID

Merry Christmas

Not a fan of November

Dream Car

Life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is hard but with the help of a motorised wheelchair and a wav , I could have a chance of a new life.

Dental Service for Disabled people in Liverpool

Finding a dentist is tough enough with the pandemic but what happens if you are bedridden and unable to leave your home?

Specsavers at home

Did you know that you can arrange a home visit from Specsavers if you have mobility issues?

Nothing left

Living with a chronic illness is much harder than you could ever imagine so what keeps you fighting when it gets too much

Vet and ME

Vet and ME A visit to the vet ended with me adding another injury to my ever growing collection as well as my recommendations for dog foods our labrador loved.
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