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Hi, I’m Alisha Whittam, and I live with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, a chronic illness that has profoundly shaped my journey. Here, I want to share a little more about who I am beyond the challenges I face every day.
What’s in my bag?
Alfie tries Lilys Kitchen dog treats
COVID-19 and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) mirror the same effects on the brain structure as discovered by Griffith University.
February Already? Where Did the Time Go?
Living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) comes with its challenges, but moments with family—especially my Labrador, Alfie—bring so much joy. From Christmas traditions to embracing the unexpected, here’s a glimpse into life with chronic illness and what’s next for 2024
Absolutely Heartbroken
Please help me raise enough money to buy a wheelchair accessible vehicle
Hot Water Bottle
This winter is going to be very hard for lots of us so here is my suggestion to help reduce the pain levels down for sufferers of chronic pain.
The same four walls
Could you live a life in severe pain, pain so severe you can't think straight