Tier 3

I live in Tier 3 and I want to know if this is really going to be as bad as the media makes out ?

Today Andy Burnham had his proposal walked away from by Our Government , I must emphasise the Our Government part.
See we are not asking for money from another country. Our OWN GOVERNMENT has refused to give the people of Greater Manchester what they need to survive through this winter.

I live in Liverpool and have done almost all of my life, I don’t see how we can keep Our Country together from this and I fear that this is going to get a lot worse.
After all when you push someone so far that they have nothing to lose, well that’s when things get out of control.
We are all one country but it doesn’t feel like that anymore.

I can’t wrap my head around the suggestions of topping up pay using Universal Credit, first of all have you ever tried to get through to them ?
Most of the people who find themselves without work right now will be facing their last monthly pay at the end of this month or November.
Right now we are roughly 9 weeks before Christmas and most information states that it takes a MINIMUM OF 5 WEEKS to get your first Universal Credit Payment !
It doesn’t end there, what about people who work in the hospitality sector ? Over the CHRISTMAS period you have people working extra hours, getting bigger tips. Is that covered or taken into account for Universal Credit ?

What about keeping people safe, people like me ?
What about mental health ?
What about people in total isolation ?

I don’t feel that the government has handled this correctly.

I don’t feel safe.
I don’t feel as though my voice is heard.
I don’t feel part of the Country I was born in and I know that I am not alone, I know that people have this a hell of a lot harder than I do, I know that so many people have so many more reasons than what I have put forward here in my little rant.

What do we do next ?
What can people get involved in to make a difference and bring about change ?

Below I have included a link to a brief interview with Andy Burnham Greater Manchester joins us in Tier 3

Are we really facing another national lockdown ? Read the article below in The Liverpool Echo Are we heading for another national lockdown ?