Alfie the Black Labrador starts a YouTube channel

Alfie the Black Labrador starts a YouTube channel.

Alfie is a Black Labrador who lives in Liverpool. Alfie is doted on by his family of 3, He is 7 years old and will be turning 8 in 2024. Alisha his Nanna firmly believes that he is special. As Alisha has Myalgic Encephalomyelitis an illness which has left her completely bedridden Alfie is her constant companion. Alisha says – “I know how lucky I am to have Alfie in my life so for 2024 I’m going to show even more of my life when I can of course”. Alisha continues “When I was a school computers were those big awful-looking boxes and the screen was black with green text, it was absolutely basic. So to learn anything about computers and I must say I don’t know much I have to learn it all myself. Life with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a full-time career as it dictates everything in my life so it is an incredibly slow process.”

Every dog owner thinks that their dog is the best in the world but Alfie is different. He understands how ill I am and he will behave differently with me than he does with my Hubby. He will jump up to kiss my Hubby but he knows he has to be gentle with me. He will pull on the lead if my Hubby has hold of the lead yet I could hold his lead with one finger. He will walk behind me on the stairs or watch me closely as I go down the stairs if I get out of bed in the night. On bad days he will come to my side of the bed just watching me or will just come over and kiss me. He is incredible and so funny. So I’m going to try to capture more of the relationship we have as I believe that it is very special.

So if you love dogs or you have a soft spot for Black Labradors I have included Alfie’s social media pages please follow him and support us in any way you can. It means so much.

I have also set up a YouTube account so I can post all his adorable videos past and present, I truly hope this makes you smile as much as it makes me smile

Below is a link to a video that I recently put together which I think is very cute please subscribe to our channels and follow us to give your support because that means everything to me

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