Logan Paul

Let’s talk about Logan Paul. My guilty pleasure is watching You Tube . I like to watch comedic influencers when the pain from my Severe ME is building or as I way of focusing on something else.

I have to admit that I love watching Logan Paul , I’m no fan girl I’m a 40 year old happily married woman. I am also a Mum . I have watched every single vlog that Logan has ever put out so I feel that it is only right that I comment on his recent posting.

First of all I must state that I do not agree with putting a dead man on a thumbnail. Even just blurring the face and allowing everything else to be seen is a no no . Logan Paul is intelligent he understands his brand and his target audience.

Every single you tuber is putting in their opinion and I honestly believe that not all of them have actually watched the video. I hear comments of the silly girl laughing in the background or how he treated it all as a joke. Yet you can see the girl is visibility shocked if you actually watch it.

There have been lots of Psychological Studies looking at laughter as a coping mechanism and I believe that this is seen in lots of Logan Paul’s videos.

The most recent video where Logan uses Laughter is when his best friend and roommate Evan Eckenrode FaceTimes him to tell that his dog Arya has died . It starts with Evan leaving to go pick his new car up. Evan seems to already have dropped Arya off at the vet to have her operation. Logan and his friends take a Cinquecento on a little drive seeing four grown men is such a small car is very funny to watch. The four friends are having a fabulous time until Logan receives a FaceTime from Evan . Logan goes quiet at first and after the call he tries to diffuse the mood with laugher . Even when Evan returns home Logan goes over and hugs him and of course the laughter comes very soon after.

This is not the only occasion, if you go onto his earlier vlogs we find “A Death in the family” . Logan has travelled to be with his family after the loss of his Great Aunt . Logan talks about her with fond memories and includes footage of his whole family laughing and joking , sharing love & laughter. You can see that the whole family deal with death as a celebration of life. Definitely a “Don’t Cry because it’s over , smile because it happened” outlook.

If we look at the vlogs of Italy and the Lamborghini. Logan flies out to Italy to surprise his younger brother Jake who is there to buy a Lamborghini. The brothers seemed to have been promised something that they were not going to get . This lead to his younger brothers dream of buying the car he has always wanted being destroyed.  Logan obviously finds the funny side of this and the trip ends up with them jumping in the Venice Canal, being arrested and freed in Rome , jumping off roofs into swimming pools , making wine barefoot. It definitely seems to be that maybe they have less of a morbid outlook than many of us do.

They say that the most stressful things we do in life is get married, give birth, move house and death. So if Logan uses Laughter as a coping mechanism for death then it would only be right that he displays the same for moving home.

In the Vlog “Very Bad News” Logan finds out after a knock at the door that they are being evicted from their apartment. I gather as the clip is only audio that he was not supposed to be filming this conversation. As soon as the door is closed Logan puts the camera back to his face and after telling his “Logang” that he is being evicted he just laughs . He gets more bad news when he loses his dream home in another vlog it almost seems to be a hysterical reaction , he keeps saying that he will be homeless and laughing. It’s the repetition and the frequency which lead me to think that this is his coping mechanism.

In the vlog “Caught a guy trying to steal my bus” he finds someone in his bus as he starts filming. He goes over to the bus to challenge the man and again the laughter is there. If you found someone living in your car would you be laughing ? Does that make us right and him wrong or vice versa ?

Just because someone does not act or feel the things that you do , does that mean that they are not valid or warranted feelings? Surely living in 2018 we should be looking to stop labelling things or putting things into boxes so they are all compartmentalised, it may makes things easier , it doesn’t make it right.

People deal with things in different ways. Unfortunately in this day and age we have people who make opinions when they do not know or understand all the facts. Do I think that everyone who is commenting on this Logan Paul situation has watched the full video, No . Do the people who are commenting on Logan Paul know anything about him other than what they are being told , No.

Does putting a dead man in a video make him an idiot , Absolutely. Does that make him unsuitable for Children , maybe. Do parents who allow their children to watch things online, unsupervised have to accept some blame, absolutely.

We now live in an age where your mobile phone is as powerful as a desktop computer. Children who have a phone have access to everything online , porn, death, violence, drugs, chat lines, paedophiles, predators , bullies and so much more. If you don’t monitor that or put things in place to monitor it then you are making a mistake. We read about child porn rings, children being bullied online , every day we are shown graphic images on the news and lets be truthful you can find anything online. Should we be allowing our children access to all of this ?

I have posted this with nothing but love and I understand I will receive critique for it. We have to remember that Logan Paul is only young . He is experiencing a life that most of us can only dream about. Did you know everything at 22 ? The suicide forest in Japan is a place where lots of You Tubers have gone to do the Ouija Board . Is that not disrespectful? That forest is a public place and while we must respect the life of the man they found , should we not also be thinking about the person who had to take that body down ? Could you do that ? Would you be able to sleep that night? Do we think Logan and his friends slept easily since they saw the body?

The bravado that he shows on his vlog is just that bravado . Logan Paul is still very much a Mummy’s boy , you only have to watch them together to see that .

Logan Paul has made a mistake the same way that every one of us will do in our lifetimes . It’s something to learn from and move on . I hope that people give him the opportunity to learn and grow.

With love

Alisha x x x