YouTube Channel launch to highlight Severe ME

I have Severe ME and I am launching my own YouTube channel to show people just what it is like to live with a Chronic Illness.

I am so nervous about this but as I always say “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”

It is all set up . My YouTube channel is done and in the next few weeks I will officially be a vlogger . I love this page so I won’t be neglecting my blog, but I feel passionate that I can’t be upset about people not understanding my illness when I don’t allow them to see me on a bad day. Life with Severe ME is life changing in so many different ways and I feel the best way to let my friends and family in is to show it.

Its going to include so much more than just my illness it’s going to show brands and manufacturers that we are still here. Take mattress companies , over the last few months we have seen companies like Casper & Eve roll out big advertising campaigns all with pretty , able bodied people in .         They claim to give the best nights sleep , yet have they have someone with Severe ME or Fibromyalgia test out their mattresses ?                                                                                                                                       If something out there could help me have a restful nights sleep then I would be beating their doors down . You can’t claim to be the best when the absolute worst sleepers haven’t tried your products.  

Same with sofa companies , on the run up to Christmas our TVs will be full of companies offering guaranteed delivery before the holidays. They don’t understand for people like us we need to have sofas which are a little higher , so that getting up and sitting down is still achievable. So like everything else for people like us it will probably have to be specially ordered at a premium and an extended delivery period.

We should be asked what will make our lives easier. Our lives and needs are different.

I would love for someone to come out with a mainline range of fashionable clothes for wheelchair users or a bag that I can hold when I use my stick or crutches .

Getting dressed is so difficult for so many people in the world but designers don’t take that into account.  

Make up gurus have hundreds even thousand of videos on YouTube , all showing the latest make up looks which take 30 to 40 minutes just to do the eyes , it makes me laugh.  I haven’t spent a total of 40 minutes in the whole of 2017 to do my makeup let alone just an eye look.  

Hairstylists show us how to do a simple up-do. They don’t show hairstyles for people who can’t lift their arms to put bobby pins in. How can you show us how to curl your hair when we can’t even wash our own hair. I’m lucky that I have one of my closest friends who does my hair for me but I rely on my daughter to brush it every day .

We are still a part of society. Now I know that some people are sitting thinking you self entitled so and so. Just hold on ! . I do appreciate that I have clothes on my back and food on my table . I’m not selfish and I do a lot for anyone less fortunate than myself so calm down.

It is 2017 when are we going to include every part of society on TV and print media . Advertising campaigns & TV/Film need to stop excluding someone because it isn’t the look they are after.     Just because some thinks that clothes only look good on a size 0 model doesn’t make it right .

Every one should be included , our world should now be Inclusive.                     

We have to stop accepting an ideal in marketing campaigns and on our TV.  After all these organisations are happy to take our hard earned money.

I will admit that I am really scared to put myself out there . My self confidence is so low and I have big hang ups over the way I look. As well as cringing about the way I sound but I feel like I have to.

The only way for change to happen is to just do it. 

So I will be showing the world what living with Severe ME is like.                                                                           I will be giving tips on hair , make up & fashion.                                                                              Products reviews and unboxing of things which advertise that they make our lives easier.                   I will be showing you just how it feels to be out in a wheelchair on days out & shopping trips.                                                                          As well as giving you as much access as I can to hospital & GP visits .  

I have lists and lists of contacts in the ME community. I will be putting questions to ME specialists and researching why the ME community is how it is. Life with Severe ME is so much more than feeling a little tired or more run down than usual.

My focus will be pushing to make change , real change. I am talking about something which will make a real difference in peoples lives.                                                                                                    The medical community has to change, we have to change .

The release of Unrest has shown just what can be achieved. We can not allow that progress to slip.

This channel will be a positive platform for change. Life of a Severe ME sufferer and just what that means.

Of course it will evolve with help and comments from The Spoonie Squad. I love that name and think it describes us perfectly .

The ME community is amazing and I know that by working together that we really can make a difference .

I have include a link to all of my social pages below , please let me know if the links don’t work.

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Let me me know what you think and what you want to see , I really do want hear from you x 

Much love to you all x 
