Reclaiming my Independence

Raise awareness of disability

Hello, Dear Friends and Supporters,

My name is Alisha, and I have been living a challenging life for the past ten years due to the burden of three debilitating conditions. I feel angry and lonely, I feel that my life is passing me by and I can not do anything to stop it. I miss weeks and months at a time, that is time I will never get back, so now it is time that I start Reclaiming my Independence.

These conditions have left me bedridden and dependent on others for even the simplest of tasks. Despite the constant battle with my health, I remain determined to reclaim my independence and work towards a brighter future.

My Journey with Chronic Illness:

Living with these chronic illnesses has been a rollercoaster of physical and emotional hardships. The pain and exhaustion are constant companions, often forcing me to miss out on life’s precious moments. However, I refuse to let these circumstances define me or dictate the course of my life. I am determined to overcome these challenges and regain my freedom.

To achieve this life-changing goal, I need your support. I am raising funds to afford a large car equipped with a new Progeo wheelchair and Mototronik system.

These crucial aids will enable me to move around independently and participate actively in the world again.

With your generous contributions, we can make this vision a reality. With your help, I can reclaim my independence. 


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Why Your Support Matters :

Your contribution to this GoFundMe campaign will have a profound impact on my life. By providing me with the means to obtain the specialized equipment I need, you are giving me the gift of freedom and hope. With a suitable car and the advanced wheelchair system, I can:

• Regain Independence: The new Progeo wheelchair and Mototronik system will empower me to perform daily tasks without assistance, regaining my independence and boosting my self-esteem.

• Pursue Work and Passion: With improved mobility, I can focus on my passions, such as writing, art, or advocacy work, even from the confines of my home.

• Connect with the World: The ability to move around freely will allow me to engage with the outside world, meet new people, and create meaningful connections as well as working on existing relationships that I have lost contact with.


How You Can Help :

Your support is invaluable, and there are several ways you can contribute to this campaign:

• Donate: Any amount you can spare will make a significant difference in my journey towards independence.

• Spread the Word: Share this campaign on your social media pages, among friends, family, and colleagues. Together, we can reach more people and make a greater impact.

• Collaborate: If you have connections or ideas that can help boost this campaign or provide support in any way, please reach out to me.



As I embark on this path to reclaiming my independence, I am filled with gratitude for every single person who joins me on this journey. Your kindness and generosity will not only change my life but also inspire hope and resilience in many others facing similar challenges.

Together, let us create a ripple of compassion and empowerment. Your contribution, be it big or small, will be a stepping stone towards a brighter and more independent future for me.

Thank you for being part of my fight and for helping me turn my dreams into reality.

Here’s to Reclaiming My Independence

With love and gratitude,

Alisha Whittam 🫶