Not a fan of November

I try to keep positive but I have to say that I am not a fan of November. November has always been a very difficult month since Mum passed away and over the years lots have been done as well as said in anger but to me, November will always be a time of loss.

I admit the intro to the this post is a little cryptic but I’m sure my friends and family will know to what I refer. Over the past few years I think I have cried enough tears to fill up the Mersey. November and December always prove just how much I have lost over the years, it’s very difficult to come to terms at times, today just feels like it is crushing me.

Since my illness I have been unable to take part in family Christmas as to get up showered then dressed just takes to much so on Christmas Morning our routine is, we get up early with Becks so she can open her gifts, then of course it is the turn of the FurBaby. Some time during the day Graham and Becks will go to his Mums to spend some time with them, this is when I just sit and cry.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not sat with a tissue all day ready to be set off at any time but knowing that you have 2 people and a dog as the only ones who want to spend Christmas day with you is hard, really hard.

I don’t know what it is about today that is making me feel this way but it’s crushing me.

It really has been a very tough few months and trying to get any sort of regularity to my day is being destroyed by the severity of this illness. I know I am not the best person in the world but I try and any wrongs that I have done in my life I have tried to make amends for. I suppose that is what makes that feeling of absolute solitude on Christmas so much worse.

I write from the heart when I can so that any person who feels like me knows that they are not alone, you are not the only one who feels like that, you are not the only one who suffers in this way.

I am here for you so please reach out all of my contact groups and email addresses are on the contact page. I’m doing all I can to fight all of this negatively and you can too, you are not alone 🥰

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