ME has left me

Is Lockdown over ?

Is Lockdown over for you ? I don’t have to ask you to imagine how life feels for me because everyone the world over knows what it has been like during quarantine. I also know how relieved you all feel know that it seems lockdown is coming to an end. You get your life back , I don’t.

While people get to go back to work or meet up with friends, I can’t do that . I don’t get to pop out to the shops or leave the house for a walk. My life is inside the 4 walls of my bedroom , trapped forever.

You get to think about the life you had with confidence that one day soon you get to live again , I don’t. I don’t get to go back to my job or go on a date night with my Husband. I don’t get to go and see my Daughters new student house she is hoping to move into. I can’t go shopping with her while she is so excited to pick things out for her move.

I had to leave my job and the life that I loved to live completely bedridden , I’m unable to brush my own hair or dress myself. I need help to do everything no matter how much I wish I could just get up , I’m forever trapped.

So please when you get to go back to your life think about people like me and the estimated 250,000 ME Sufferers just in the UK who will never live their lives again.