Amazon Buys #3

I love it when the door goes and its a package for me, even better is when it is a brown box covered with Amazon tape delivering my latest Amazon purchases, so here goes its time for Amazon buys #3

You can read Part 1 here

Read Part 2 here

Pet Hair Remover

I have been seeing this everywhere but it was called the chom chom. After looking at reviews I picked this one to try and I am so happy with it.

Our dog is a Black Labrador and his hair gets everywhere , I was using the sticky lint rollers but I won’t be doing that anymore, this thing will save me a fortune.

Exfoliating foot peeling mask

I haven’t tried this particular brand before but I have tried ones like it.

I hate feet hang on let’s change that to I hate feet that are rough and calloused.

Due to my illness I am unable to do many things and looking after myself is one of those things. On a very good day I can get into the shower on my own. I have a stool which allows me to sit down, so on a good day I am able to wash myself.

Things I used to do and want to still do like shave my legs, wash my hair then to dry myself and moisturise I need help with. If my daughter is not home or its a bad day then a shower is all I can manage. Most days for me are bad so I do go days without showering , days like that I use a baby wipe to clean under my arms, neck etc. So I don’t smell!

I do have an amazing friend who comes every couple of months and she will give me a pedicure. So on a normal day I look a mess and I feel incredibly self conscious about it.

With the weather being warm in the UK right now I was hoping to be able to go out in my chair but I want my feet baby soft first.            

Directions for baby soft feet

  1. Wash and dry your feet before beginning, and wear the booties with socks over them for the full 90 minutes.
  2. Then, follow up with a 20-minute soak starting 48 hours after treatment.

Why does the Eclat formula work better? We use natural ingredients that banish dead cells while nourishing new skin

You need to soak your feet every few days and then all of the dead skin starts peeling off. If you haven’t tried one of these yet you absolutely should.

Unfortunately the one I purchased is out of stock so I have included the Amazon choice for you to try.

Songmics Linen Ottoman

Being bedridden the only thing that I wear is pyjamas.

I have so many pairs that I had to find a storage solution which was cost effective ,functional as well as being large enough to fit a lot but not take up a lot of space.

Due to needing walking sticks or crutches to get about my bedroom I couldn’t get a chest of drawers as it would block my way, so I took a chance and ordered this, it works so well.

The ottoman is at the bottom of our bed so it is also a place that I can sit down to take a break on the walk to our bathroom and it fits so many pairs of PJS including bulky onesies. 

It doesn’t look like it was only £28 , its multi functional too as I use it as a seat, or somewhere to store an extra blanket. When I eventually get the unnecessary bed pillows that I want , we will be able to put them there before my Hubby gets into bed.

The dog loves sitting on it with me too, he really is the cutest.

Cool Mist Essential Oil Diffuser

I feel like I have moaned about my illness a lot so why stop here. My medication leaves me very dry and hoarse so my Dr has prescribed more medication as well as a nasal spray to help me, which it does but it doesn’t cure it. 

I studied massage and aromatherapy what seems like a life time ago now , so I know the benefits of pure oils. If I feel like I am going to be sick then I use Lemongrass on a tissue as I have the worst phobia of vomiting, to me it feels like I am being suffocated. So we do have lots of oils around the home.

My Daughter is a singer and she asked me to buy one as her Lecturer suggested that it helps singers keeps their vocal chords hydrated, so why not see what I could do for me.

For the past few days I have been using Lavender and Lemongrass throughout the day and then Lavender at night. Its been so nice to feel like I can speak again without my voice breaking up and its so cosy at night with just the lights from the diffuser. Absolutely recommend this but please buy the absolute best oils that you can afford.

I have also noticed that my hay fever is not as bad as it usually is at this time of year, which is another big plus.

I love doing these reviews and learning more about editing , social media, design as well as writing. 

Just because my body is useless it doesn’t stop me wanting to achieve things in my life.

May is always a really difficult month as it is time for ME Awareness. I try to do all I can to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and how it affects people like me.

So reading , sharing, subscribing and liking my content makes a big difference. 

Being completely bedridden by an illness has changed my life, so I want to do all I can so that no-one else has to feel what I have felt.

I know that things are bad all over the world right now and for many of you there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you will get to go back to your life , I never get to go back to mine.

Please help me make a difference.

Love Always 

Alisha 😘

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