CoronaVirus again

Today I am going to talk about The CoronaVirus again, because I’m scared.

I’m angry that our prime minister is playing with so many lives , you can’t close a few shops in the hope that it is going to make a difference. It’s all a huge mess.

Anxiety kicks in – I’m going to talk about my home situation because it’s been a tough few days . So my Daughter went away to University last year , she no longer lives at home with us , thankfully she does come home a lot. She is studying in Carlisle which unfortunately does have a large case number. When this all started I sent an email to the university to see what was happening , you have to understand that a lot of the students are away from home for the first time , they have no real idea of how to act or react to this sort of situation . As for the email they didn’t even bother to return one to me.

I adore my Daughter and I think that we have a very good relationship. I’m also incredibly proud of the way she was brought up because she is an absolute angel, no exaggeration, she is amazing . When she informed me that the university was advising students to work from home , I insisted that she came home immediately. I asked her to get her case packed and book her train to come home. Thankfully she did do that. This brings me back to my point about them not having any real idea , see they were still meeting up and drinking together or going out into town . Surely the University that they are living at has some sort of duty of care for the students, surely they should have told them to stop this as a temporary measure at the very least.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis – If you have read any of my pages then you know that I have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, unfortunately the illness is so severe that it leaves me completely bedridden for roughly 95% of the time. ME isn’t my own problem , as a whole I am unable to do most things. I rely on my Daughter for so much and when she isn’t home it’s hard . I must state that as much as I miss her , I would never want her to give up anything for me.

Now If you talk about the possibility of her being ill , then I would walk over hot coals that also have upturned plug sockets and Lego bricks if it prevents her suffering for even a minute.

All under one roof – All I wanted was my family all under one roof . My worst feeling was that they would close the borders or take off the trains , my fears involved her being alone on University campus and started developing the symptoms. I was having this nightmare every night , all because I couldn’t be there for her , I wasn’t able to hold her to tell her it was all going to be ok. Those dreams hurt physically , I know they were only bad dreams but how could I be the Mummy she had always known if I couldn’t hold her and tell her it was all ok. Then bringing down her duvet and pillow , tucking her in , then putting on her favourite Disney movie lastly making up her Chicken noodle soup and bringing it in on a tray.

Round 1 – After telling her not to and her still going out that week , at least I knew that her train was booked . I was just so happy that she was coming home and that no matter what happened whether positive or negative , she was home. I’m not sure how the conversation began but she told me that she was going back to University on Sunday (today) , the University by this time had agreed that all face to face classes would now be done online. I was absolutely gob smacked , I had kept her up to date about what was going on and that self isolation was now a thing . Even the train service that she would have travelled on only had one train running.

Tears – I’m not afraid to admit that I was absolutely heartbroken, she was getting messages from friends including how much they were missing each other and they couldn’t wait to all be together on Sunday. So after a few days of zero sleep , I just broke down. It was like talking to a brick wall , it was evident that the University had done nothing to advise them on what they should be doing and what precautions they should be taking.

At Risk – As I have a serious preexisting medical conditions I knew that I was a high risk patient yet how does that translate into a world that doesn’t seem to accept that. You have already read that my daughter was not prepared for it and while both My Husband and Myself have kept up to date with the news , nothing changed because of it. My Husband works in retail and each morning he has to get 2 trains to get to work , then works in a shop all day , he will then take 2 further trains to get home. How does that take me into account ? I know I’m not the only one that this has happened to.

Why is our country not doing more for people deemed AT RISK – Why wasn’t my family allowed to protect my health , why was I not a priority too ? Why did our government not say to my family that something was happening in our country which could be very bad for people like me , Why wasn’t there a way of allowing my family to be supported financially instead of leaving us to worry about losing our home as we depend on his salary. Especially taking into account not only his journey to and from work but also because he serves customers all day every day.

Why didn’t our government look after sick people by advising them and their families to go into immediate self isolation? Yes statistics are a great way of validating new stories yet they aren’t accurate , how can they be when so many still haven’t even been tested .

Local Businesses – I fear not enough thinking went into some decisions, as what is a local hairdressers supposed to do if most of their clients are older ? Do the government expect them to pay their workers in hand sanitiser ? Same with local shops, butchers, bakers, market stall holders , the list goes on and on . They still have staff wages to pay , they still need to pay rent , transportation to and from their place of work , they may have a nanny at home or a nursery to look after their kids. Where does that money come from ? Not forgetting that any business which involves meeting people , any business being customer facing they will all still have to interact .

The cycle isn’t going to stop until we stop everything , half measures aren’t going to cut it .

Shopping – To finish off my moaning I couldn’t just leave online shopping . Being bedridden and reliant on others means that if I do have Rebecca or Graham at home they are needed. When Graham makes up he gets himself ready for work then makes me something to eat as well as bringing me up drinks . Until he returns home that night that’s all I will have to eat or drink.

If I’m lucky enough to have Rebecca home then I will be able to do things with her that Graham isn’t able to , she will help me wash my hair, shave my legs , sometimes I will also ask for something special like my favourite pasta dish . Now the point I am making is that no one has time to walk into a shop for groceries.

Online – When I first took ill I started online shopping for groceries and other than a local Tesco I haven’t been into a supermarket in 5 or 6 years roughly . We have used Sainsbury’s for over 10 years at this address alone , just before this illness started hitting our fridge and cupboard had nothing in them. Yet could I get a delivery , not a chance . Yet on the news or in print we have been told that people like me will take priority , how will they know who is genuinely ill. I get it , with older people they can just filter people over 65 or 70 . Yet as of today Sunday 22nd March 2020 , I still can’t get food delivered to feed my family.

How is this affecting you and your family ?

As times are tough how much better would it be having a new friend to talk to ? So for laughs , funny videos, motivational tips and so much more join in with Friend Book

Please keep safe and try not to take any risks , you are far too precious. Sending you all love 💕. Alisha x