Social Media

Why do people think it is alright to be so hateful on social media.

Tonight I watched Impaulsive which is a podcast by Logan Paul , tonight’s guest was Logan’s younger brother Jake. I have watched both Jake & Logan’s career from the very start, I found it fascinating to see this whole new medium birthing new stars.

Social Media levelled the playing field for absolutely anyone to make or produce their own content just as long as they have a camera and some editing know how. If you wanted it bad enough you could be your own boss doing something that you love instead of sending off applications to tv networks in the hope they allowed you to start at the very bottom normally for zero money.

Social Media was paying kids stupid amounts of money as well as fame unlike anything we had seen in years. Social Media was allowing people to be themselves and paying big money for it. Unlike traditional media this was not prepping these kids for fame and how to handle it, there was no media training and no rule book on how to handle this new life or the money that came with it.

All of a sudden every school kid wanted to be a social media star like Jake Paul , they wanted to drive fast cars and go shopping every day for designer clothes.

Why was no one thinking about what happened next ?

Unfortunately social media also gave us the trolls and the keyboard warriors. News reports would speak about children being bullied in school as well as by snapchat , Facebook ,etc , bullying was for the first in your home. Your child could be upstairs getting messages of hate and threats of what they were going to do to them when they got them alone.

Your child couldn’t switch off from this constant bullying. I know how horrible kids could be because I was bullied and so was my Daughter. Luckily I was able to notice the signs of my Daughter’s bullying and nipped it in the bud . Unfortunately social media was new to us parents too so we had no idea some of the things that went on. We would see on the news about people using predatory behaviour but to us parents , our kids were tucked up in bed safe.

All too quickly the world was filled with experts about everything and everyone had so much to say without thinking about context or how things come across differently by text or email.

This brings me back to Jake Paul, I agree he has done so many stupid things and yes some people do not like him but that doesn’t give anyone the right to discount this kids feelings or thoughts. At the beginning I said how everyone is now an expert about everything. I have seen this first hand with my illness when I have had people disagree with me and my thoughts. See that’s just it , it’s my thoughts , I don’t have to be right or have a degree in medicine to state how I feel in any given time or place.

Unless you were born with someone at the same time & date , went on to live with them and experience every single thing in life at the exact same time with a Drs certificate to state that you both operate from the same brain, even then chances are it still wouldn’t be the same ! Even still nothing gives anyone the right to tell another person they are wrong because of what you feel. As it is just that “how you feel”.

When we talk about life and how we feel it is based on our experiences , therefor that comment , tweet, song, podcast, newspaper article , TikTok video is relevant to you in a different way. That does not make the other person wrong and you do not have the right to hate or bully them because of it. When you have an illness , mental or physical you do not get a degree in medicine or mental health. It was apparent after hearing Jake say how he felt that he was not educated on the matter fully, but we also forgot one thing about all of this which was that Jake Paul was crying out for help. He needed support and the internet community filled his life with hate .

Suicide is such a hot topic right now and while I do not know a lot about mental health or suicide, I know that there have been times even very recently when I didn’t want to wake up the next day, I felt that I couldn’t take another day trapped in my room with no one to talk to as well as no support. I don’t need to know a lot about suicide to know that those feelings are real. I write this blog to help me process my thoughts and feelings , in the hope that someone somewhere will get strength knowing that someone else knows what they feel.

We lost another celebrity this week Caroline Flack , to the world she lived a blessed life but as is all too often , we need only to look back and we can see that things had gotten out of hand and she needed help. Unfortunately this isn’t new and all to often we hear from heartbroken friends and loved ones who now have to go on living with out her.

Today on the news I read about a young boy Quaden Bayles who is only 9 years old, this beautiful little boy talks of wanting to end his own life. How do we live in a world and sleep at night when we have 9 year old boys wanting to kill themselves. Unfortunately I know that Quaden will not be the only one crying to their parent in tears saying they want to end their own life. What’s also desperately wrong is that all over the world children and adults won’t talk at all , they just do it and worse still is that no one saw it coming.

How is this our world in 2020?

Please I beg you if you read this to just stop before you post a comment of hate or criticism. Please also go to Jake Paul’s twitter page and give him some love Jake Paul Twitter

Every single person who is bullied or hated is still a person just like you , they have friends, family just like you.

Could you imagine watching TV or reading an article about your child being hated with such vile comments , unfortunately too many people hide behind a keyboard and do this for fun or to get a reaction.

I know that I couldn’t live with myself if I wrote to someone something that go jump in front of a bus and they did !

Let’s give Love a try for a change.😘

Speaking of love , I want to do things a little differently and that starts with giving Thanks to every single person who reads my blog, I can’t Thankyou all enough. I started writing completely from the heart to get a few things off my chest and doing this absolutely makes a difference. To anyone of you that have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and need a friend , I am absolutely hear for you. Granted I might now get back to you the same day because this does drain me. To anyone reading this who needs a friend , I would be honoured , living with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is so lonely and I would love to talk more , I would love to learn about new places, new people .

Thankyou all again and if you do hear or see people giving someone else hassle or awful comments , please reach out to them . You absolutely could be the person who makes all the difference 😘

P.S I’m a good listener

Quaden Bayle Gofundme

If you are in the UK and you need someone to talk to The Samaritans link Is The Samaritans

If you need help in the USA Suicide Prevention lifeline

If you are anywhere else in the world I hope that this link can help you . Don’t forget I am always here if any of you need a friend. You support me and I am always here for you x

Suicide crisis telephone numbers