Law of attraction

I hear so many successful people talk about the law of attraction so I thought I would give it a try.

Most people would think that I would want to attract something that would give me my health back , now while that would be amazing , being so ill has given me so much. I have met the most amazing people and gain the most special of friends , people and friends that I wouldn’t have met if I had been well and able bodied. I wouldn’t have the mind set or the fire in my belly that wants to make a difference if I wasn’t as ill as I am.

My first thought that goes out into the universe is travelling to Los Angeles/London/New York with my daughter and attending as many auditions as possible , I want my daughter to love her life every single day. Rebecca is the most amazing person and I know all parents say that but I have a very different relationship with Rebecca as she has cared for me throughout my illness. I know she won’t admit this but when she left college she took a year off and I know that it was to care for me , I will never forgive her for that but at the same time I thank her for that , I don’t know what I would have done for her.

Rebecca has loved performing since she was a little girl and she has this amazing ability to make me laugh, I remember when she was 2 or 3 and she was sat on my bed as I was sorting out the washing. I took her clothes next door to her room to put them in the wardrobe and I came in to her with a pair of tights on her head , I have never laughed so hard. The tights had her nose pulled up so I could just see these nostrils , well she thought she was hysterical. She ended up walking on the bed saying do I look cute now Mummy.

I remember we were flying out to Rome for our wedding , Rebecca , Graham and myself as well as my Uncle , Aunt and Cousin. Now my Uncle hates flying so she is being her usual chatty self and I saw my Uncle had gone a little quite as soon as the plane starts getting closer to the runway. He has gone a little paler as we started to build up speed and Rebecca starts counting down 3 , 2, 1 Blastoff !! . We were hysterical , who wants to hear that when you are petrified. She was 6 at the time and she knew exactly what she was doing as she has this amazing ability to read a room.

I would want more than anything for her to be a working actor who loves what they do. She has worked so hard to be where she is today. When she was in her first few years of school we noticed that she was struggling with English , she was such a chatty child so we knew that she had no problems communicating. She would have a conversation with anyone and not a silly child conversation. When she started being a little less chatty at home at that stage we knew we had to step in. I had been reading up about Dyslexia and everything fit into place, so we pushed for her to be assessed and she was diagnosed as Dyslexic. She had to attend a different school to help her focus in a smaller group. I will never forget her new teacher telling me that she would always have to be the hardest working child in the room, she was so right.

When she was in high school she got involved with acting for her school plays and she loved it, when she knew that this was something she really enjoyed we found her an agent and an acting group. Soon enough she was doing extra work on Hollyoaks and she couldn’t get enough. She knew after High school that she wanted to go to an acting based college and she started naming a few , I made a deal with her ” I told her that if she wanted to attend an acting college that she aims to go to the best ” she did and she was accepted into LIPA Sixth form college . After college she had her gap year . In her gap year she auditioned for The Liverpool Empire Youth Theatre and was accepted.

She is currently at University studying Musical Theatre and she loves it. She is always singing , she always has. Luckily she has never been a theatre brat. We have always encouraged her to follow her dreams and we support everything she doesn’t wholeheartedly. I would love her to be able to do what she loves as her career, after all what it the saying ” If you do what you love , you will never work a day in your life ” . Well it’s something like that. So that is my first manifestation.

For me I want to move away from the UK , I would love to move to a place just outside my favourite place in the whole world, Rome. The place is called Lake Bracciano, I would love a house with a pool and land to grow olives or fruit.

Lake Bracciano, Italy
I dream of Alfie Our Black Labrador having space to run about and a pool to jump into. The pool is very important as I would allow me to exercise and build up my muscle mass that this stupid illness has taken from me. Being able to lay outside by the pool with Alfie at my side is something I dream of everyday. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sufferers lack vitamin D so what a better way to solve that !

Lake Bracciano is a beautiful place with towns just off this huge lake , so many of the towns are built into hills or rock and then further out you get larger properties. There is so much history to see as well as being able to live near the tranquility of this beautiful lake. Into the town you have the most quaint stores and restaurants just off the side walk. It isn’t a huge tourist place and I love that. I would love to be able to learn the language by speaking to to other locals , I firmly believe it is easier to learn a language from a native speaker.

I want a beautiful home with enough bedrooms that Rebecca is always going to have her own room to come and relax after a successful film, tv programme or musical. I have to be near Rome and that’s why Lake Bracciano is so perfect. I fell in love with Rome when we were planning our wedding . I saw a Bride having her photo taken just outside St Peters , this led to us flying out in the October to see if our dreams could come true. I don’t know what it is about the place but I feel home there. We decided to marry in a place called the Sala Rossa at the Campidoglio which is on Capitoline Hill , Sala Rossa is translated as The Red Rooms which is perfect for 2 lifelong Liverpool Fans. Being able to stand in a beautiful Palazzo with so much history is mind blowing and something we will never forget.

Colosseum Rome

I want to be able to do all I can’t to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and how if affects people all over the world. I want to be able to use social media to spread a message that people with different abilities are still a person behind the illness and we still want to have a life. I would love to be the person I was before the illness more instead of this person that in no longer recognise. I would love to be able to run my own business doing something that would make a real difference to people’s lives.

My Husband started selling things on Depop and loves it , he loves being able to search for items that are unique and being able to scale up his operation until he can do this as a career is another manifestation. I would love for him to have a home office overlooking this huge lake on one side and then mountain on the other , could it be any more beautiful?

OK Universe do your thing.

  • Allow me to raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis while being there for other sufferers and working on my own health.
  • Run my own business that would make a difference in many different ways.
  • Launch a non profit and really help people who need it.
  • I want a large house just off Lake Bracciano, nothing too big but big enough for Rebecca to have her own space.
  • A home office for my Husband in our beautiful home just off Lake Bracciano.
  • It must have a pool and enough land to grow olives and fruit , with enough room for Alfie to run about.
  • I want to be able to sit around my pool while getting vitamin D from the sun and having Alfie by my side.
  • The house must have an office for my Husband so that he can scale up what he is loving doing on Depop.
  • I want us to be able to travel into Rome to buy unique pieces and sell them onto buyers who will cherish it.
  • I want success for Rebecca doing what she loves , I want her to show people that she is the triple threat that I know she is.

OK universe I’m looking for houses in Lake Bracciano, I can’t wait for you to do your thing 😘