It’s a hot one today !


I always have this silly idea in my head that if I was to go away somewhere hot that it would help with the allover pain, then of course in the UK we get a few hot days and it’s unbearable. So as it’s a hot one today I thought I would share with you just how I get through the day when the sun comes out.

Having Severe ME means that I always feel exhausted, not tired, exhausted, it’s so bad I can’t lift my arms up or move my legs without help.

People who suffer from ME can all experience very different effects from this illness so try not to make assumptions, many of us also suffer from other illnesses on top of ME so what works for one person may not work for another.

As we all know the sun can absolutely zap you of energy so add to ME a few hot days and life becomes a little more difficult.

First things first – The absolute first thing you must do when you are forecast to have a hot day is to keep your curtains closed, you do not want the sun to beat down into your bedroom so first things first keep blinds and curtains closed.  If you can manage this yourself try and create a through draft by opening a window at the front of the house and then one on the back of the house. You really will appreciate that breeze when it’s hot and stuffy.

Sunglasses & Eye Masks – Sunglasses are an absolute must for me when the weather gets brighter as I also have hayfever. The last thing I need is to be rubbing my eyes or sneezing . If you can try and pick up a pair which covers as much of your eyes as possible. When it gets to bedtime in the summer I tend to use an eye mask, I absolutely have to block out as much light as possible. 

Duvets – I’m going to cover the bedroom first as I know I’m not the only one who is bedridden. When we had our bedroom redecorated we thought ahead (I dont think ahead often so this was a huge acheivemnent for me he he) and purchased an all seasons duvet, the one we got is a 15 tog.  The duvet is made up of 2 duvets,  a 5 tog and a 10 tog  in the summer we only have the 5 tog duvet on the bed and then when autumn comes around we add the other 10 tog as well as a fluffy blanket at the foot of the bed. 

.  *Here is a link to a similar one on Amazon

Eve – The biggest and best thing in our bedroom has to be our mattress , we researched a lot of mattresses before we made our decision and we absolutely made the right one.  

Our mattress is firm yet supportive , its able to adapt to your body while not disturbing your partner as you turn over and the best thing is on hot muggy days like this its cool when you get in. Our old mattress was an orthapedic mattress, yet on a bad day I would toss and turn for hours to get comfortable and it was worse at night when Graham was lay beside me.  See tossing and turning all night unable to find a position or some sort of relief from the pain while my already exhausted Husband is lay beside me trying to sleep before having to be up at 6 am is tough.                                                                                      

We have the Eve matrress as well as 2 of the Eve pillows and they are worth every single penny.  If you have the money available and you want something that will make a real difference to your life then absolutely invest in Eve!

*Our Mattress available on Amazon

*Our Pillows on Amazon

Ice Ice Baby – I have to ensure that we have lots of ice packs available when the weather is going to be nice. Nothing fancy you can pick up ice packs from your local £1 shop, the sort that you put in a cooler bag. So when you go to bed and its too hot & muggy, I get the ice pack and just put it inside my pillow case. It really is a great way to keep your head cool and it brings my overall body tempreature down a bit.                  

 I cant sleep when my head feels uncomfortably hot, that feeling like your head is boiling is too much for me to handle. 

Fans – Lets talk fans,  now as soon as the weather starts getting a little warmer thats when we have to have a fan in our bedroom, I just cant stand a warm room that feels like it is stuffy.  

Unfortunatly our bedroom window doesnt open any further than a crack.  Its just another problem that should have been repaired when we first bought our home, we have so many little things that are now bigger problems.  All of the outer windsills of the house have problems, its like the sills have fallen back into the house.  Some windows we cant open wide and now our bedroom window doesnt open any more than a crack.         It drives me crazy as even in the winter I have to leave the windows open , its the only way I get any fresh air.

*I dont have this one but this is a great price for a pedestal fan

Magicool – In my bag I always have a few things in the summer to ensure that I can feel a little more comfortable quickly.  First I always have a bottle of Magicool, if you havent seen Magicool before then you are in for a treat. Magicool is amazing it is a microfine cooling spray that is always cold no matter how hot it is outside. The bottle that it comes in is patented and ready chilled. Its amazing.

They have one for prickly heat, one for itchy skin as well as a sunburn spray and the original hot weather cooler. Each one has different properties and they really do work, I use the one for itchy skin as I always end up scratching around my neck.  I have also recommended this to women who are going through menopause and I always get positive feedback. 

Magicool is available in several sizes and definetly worth a try. It is safe for adults as well as children.

*Absolutely worth a try.

Hand Fans – I always have a hand fan in my bag and one in my bedside drawer, just a handheld bamboo fan.

You can pick these up everywhere from your local supermarket, £ store, Ebay & Amazon. I found this offer on Amazon giving you a pack of 2 for only £5.98 perfect for one in the house and one in the car. These fans are also great if you use a setting spray after doing your makeup as it helps it set quicker.  

The only problem with these types of fan is that you have to use a person to make it work.  On a bad day I can not use this type of fan due to De Quervains Syndrome in both of my hands, add to that the need to actually lift your arm up to do it.

Amazon do have several types of battery operated fans now that are small enough to fit in your bag , to charge them you need a plug.  First world problems hey !

*I love these.

If you look on line there are lots of additional tips like putting your bedding in the freezer, I dont know about you but our freezer is full of food and doesnt have any space for bedding

Peppermint Cooling Foot Spray – If you are on your feet all day or you have to wear a full shoe then you must give Peppermint Cooling Foot Spray from The Body Shop a try.     I use it on my feet and my lower legs and it really helps make you feel a little fresher.  

The product description says that it is meant to revive and refresh tired achy feet. Definatley worth a try!

Body Shop

Essential Oils – Peppermint can also be added to your bathwater but you must ensure that it is diluted and has been tested to ensure your skin does not react first. Peppermint added to your bathwater or even a foot soak does give a cooling effect. Please ensure you research any essential oil before you use them in their purest form as some people are more sensative than others , you must make sure that you can use it on your own skin VERY IMPORTANT!!

Cold water bottle – Something else that can benefit you is to put cold or ice cold water into a hot water bottle, just putting it under the covers can help if you are like me and you absolutely have to be covered up. I dont know if this is a security thing but I just can not under any circumstances just lay on the bed.

I have to be able to put a cover of any type over me. Do you have to be covered up ?

I really would love to hear any other tips for how you get through the hot days and nights. 

Which ones did you try ? 

I look forward to hearing from you soon x 

Alisha x x 

*I am part of the Amazon Affiliate program, however the things I recommned are almost always things that I own or as close to something that I own as possible.