
A life without hope.


If you live with someone with a Chronic illness of any type please don’t take away hope.

We will experience good days and bad days but for us every day is difficult to get through.

Being bedridden or having to change your life due to illness is more difficult than you can ever imagine and no matter we try to put a brave face on , we will never be ok . 

Don’t stop your friend or partner from planning a holiday or looking forward to something in the future because the more days we spend trapped in our beds each day becomes harder to get through.

Now I understand that you may feel that you are doing the right thing but the minute you take hope from our lives it becomes even more difficult.

Just think for a minute that you are trapped in a box , you don’t speak to anyone let alone see people. So every day just becomes the same . 

Same shit , different day !

In our case it’s same shit, every day !

Every single day is the same, just another day of pain.

Nothing changes every single day .

I’m not talking bed with flu for a few days we are talking months, years . 

Months and years of walking up being able to do nothing for your self , your life is pain and emptiness.

I beg you if you have someone like this in your life taking away hope is the worst thing that you could possibly do.

I beg you all if you have someone in your life who has a life like this , pop in and see them or even call them and make plans for the future.

Hope is all that we have.